Life at the Hermitage
In this section I will write something about life at the hermitage.
I will try to give you an idea about life as a Diocesan hermit.
This website is a new endeavor for me.
As a Diocesan hermit I spend most of my time in solitude.
There are two of us at the hermitage we are both Diocesan hermits under cannon 603.
We devote our time to prayer, penance and work. Yes we do work, but our work is done at the hermitage.
This website is part of the work I do.
I also grow vegetables and fruits.
Sometimes I paint, icons mostly.
Sister Ursula and I maintain the yard ourselves.
And sometimes we offer day retreats at our hermitage.
A large part of what we do as hermits is praying for others.
We live a life hidden in Christ of contemplative and intercessory prayer.
We offer intercessory prayer, and pray for the faithful departed. We also pray for the clergy and all religious sisters and brothers.
There is also time for study and spiritual reading.
I will add more to this page as time goes on.
In Christ Jesus Sr. Avia Maria Lucia Montoya Er. Dio.
Jan 24, 2023
A new year has begun and life at the hermitage is peaceful and it is our great joy to serve the Lord as Diocesan hermits. Sr. Ursula and I enjoy our life of service to God.
We spend our days in the quiet of our hermitage; some days not so quiet, you see we took in a second small dog that was in need of a home so it is taking a bit of adjusting and like our first dog he was a gifted to us.
Other than that, life here continues much the same with prayer, solitude, penance and work to fill our days.
We appreciate all of our readers that come to look in on us on these pages.
We hope that you find what you read here informative and helpful to your spiritual growth.
In Christ Jesus Sr. Avia Montoya Er. Dio
March 29, 2024
Life at the Hermitage is much the same, I apologize for not updating this section as often as I intended. This year we had a bit of an issue with feral pigs. We decided that for our safety we had to put up a fence to keep the pigs away from the Hermitage, therefore we fenced off a large part of the property.
We are still busy filling in the holes left by the pigs. I found a use for some of the holes closest to the Hermitage and planted some mini roses and other flowing plants.
We continue to enjoy the silence and prayerful place that the Lord has given us in our Hermitage. We are thankful that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit we found our Hermitage on the Big island in Pahoa.
In Christ Jesus Sr. Avia