lent Observance : an Act of Love
Hello again,
We are well into Lent and are fast approaching Easter.
I am sure we have all been focused on fasting, prayer and alms giving and each in our own way have made progress in our Lenten journey.
I do wonder how many of us took more time to strengthen our relationship with God; taking this time, this Grace of the season of Lent to reevaluate our lives and ask where Our Heavenly Father wants to lead us.
This and every Lent we are given the Grace of time to take a look at our personal relationship with God. To look at our response to the Love we have been given from our Heavenly Father.
In this season of Lent we form our loving response to the great gift God has given us in His only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. What is our response to our Lord’s redemptive Passion? We have been redeemed, saved from our sins, forgiven in Christ Jesus by His death and Resurrection. Does His gift to us encourage us to be more Loving in our relationship with God and with our neighbor? Do we give to others the gift of forgiveness and mercy that we ourselves have received? When sharing the Good News, do we do this not only in what we say, but in the way we live our lives?
These are just a few questions we can reflect on as we continue our Lenten Journey. I pray my humble words have given you food for thought and encouragement on your spiritual journey.
Much Love in Christ Jesus
Sr. Avia Montoya Er. Dio.