Living the Love we are created to be
Beloved Child of God, The Lord’s peace be with you.
Hello again, as I write this, I address this to you Child of God that you are through faith, Beloved because God our heavenly Father gives us all unconditional, unending love.
As people of faith, we acknowledge that we were created by a loving and all powerful God. I am assuming that all reading this have faith in their hearts that God our Father created and loves us; if you are one that has doubts or whose faith is weak, please read on none the less.
As beloved children of our heavenly Father we were brought into being by and through His love and we continue to have being in Him and through Him.
As children of our heavenly Father, it is his love that created us. The Apostle John starts his gospel with these words “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God, all things came to be through him and without him nothing came to be. “ John 1: 1-3
These are St John's words, describing to us the love of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The beginning, is the beginning of our existence, for God has always existed, He has no beginning and no end.
St. John tells us that The Word, Jesus was and is one with the Father and all things were created through him.
We are a product of the love that exists between the most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Created in love to be Love.
So when we interact with our brothers and sisters let us keep in mind this origin of love and try to treat each other with the dignity, love, concern, charity and kindness as one family that exists under God.
Beloved Child,
These are my reflections and thoughts as I read the Gospel of John
In Christ Jesus, Sr, Avia Maria Lucia Montoya Er. Dio