Loving as Jesus loves us Part 2
Today I'd like to talk to you about charity and mercy.
Charity and mercy are aspects of Love that we can live as a part of our everyday lives. Charity and mercy help us to be formed in the Trinitarian way of love, to love as God loves each one of us.
But what is charity? We can be charitable by giving to those in need. We can give to the poor or to our favorite charity organization. We can be charitable in our thoughts; in how we think of others, always thinking of others in the best light, thinking of others as precious and valued and loved by us and God. And in doing this we let our thoughts be reflected in how we treat others around us.
The virtue of charity is realized when we give to others, in thought word and deed, not considering the cost of the gift, but only considering the need and concerns of the receiver of the gift. I am speaking of changing our perspective from a worldly perspective in order to live as Our God and Father has asked us to live, in doing so we benefit ourselves and grow spiritually, psychologically, emotionally and physically. Our growth in turn gives joy to our Heavenly Father.
In this perspective of love, we give our love to others unconditionally even in the way that we think of them, looking past their faults, not considering past hurts that may keep us apart.
This brings me to the subject of Mercy. The ultimate expression of love is mercy.
To give to another what they need, especially to one who has hurt you. To do good for them because they are in need extending your forgiveness to them and going beyond that to give them a gift of love, charity and genuine concern for their well-being.
This is what our Lord Jesus did for us when he died on the cross in atonement for our sins.
This is what we can do in small ways for our brothers and sisters being merciful as Christ is merciful to us.
When we give up something that we want in order to give to another; When we have true concern for another’s well-being regardless of who they are be they a friend, a stranger or someone we do not like or who has hurt us in some way. We are loving as Jesus has loved us.
One day at a time, one step at a time, one act of charity at a time, one act of mercy at a time till it becomes natural and a part of who we are as Christians in our daily lives is all it takes to begin our conversion to loving as Jesus loves us.
My reflection on John 15:12
in Christ Jesus Sr. Avia Maria Lucia Montoya Er. Dio